I Already Hate WordPress

Blogger got buggered again yesterday and I’m so over it. Had to do a bunch of crap to my cookies to be able to access my dashboard. So I’ve started setting up a new home at WordPress but I can tell you all, I already hate it. Despise it. It’s completely illogical, totally not Mac friendly. This was created by people who use PCs, I can already tell with their instructions to “right click” this and that.

I hate it.

I can’t get my freaking blogroll set up, and frankly at this point it may never happen. So if you aren’t on my new site when I go live it’s not because I don’t love you.

Also, the dog is farting up a storm from snacking on cicadas. Maybe the fumes are getting to me.

Visit me at my new home, tell me what you think of it ….

… I say this having just effortlessly migrated my old posts and comments with the click of a button, weird carot thingie notwithstanding ….


Filed under blog

14 responses to “I Already Hate WordPress

  1. >hmpf. I wasn't on your OLD blogroll.j/k.I am using iweb and Mobile me to set up my new blog at empireofthesenseless.com. It's not as blog-specific, but it allows for a lot more flexibility and other types of content, more of an actual web site.

  2. D.

    >Typepad? (Although I suspect they charge.)(I'm on both Blogger and a journaling platform. One never knows.)

  3. I used WordPress during the Speak To Power days, and that was enough to keep me at Blogger. I only lost one post during the Great Blogspot Disaster of 2011, so I am staying.

    Of course, I will read you wherever you wind up, so…..

  4. FWIW, our dog, Lucy, the Orange, Leaky-Ass Dog, is usually farting also. Although we haven’t had any cicadas yet this year.

  5. I know this is going to sound weird but I don’t even know if my blog is technically “live” yet! I mean, if you Google Southern Beale, even Google “Southern Beale, WordPress” you don’t get me.

    I realize it may take a while for the spiders and bots to find me but frankly I’ve been working on this thing for a while so I’d think by now they’d have found me. And shouldn’t I have got an e-mail or something from WordPress? “Welcome to your new blog” or something? It’s confusing as hell.

  6. Ivan Ivanovich Renko

    Dammit, Beale, I just got you onto my RSS feed at the old place; and then you up and move?!

    Man, you’re lucky I think you’re a talented mofo with good shit to say.

  7. I’m sorrreeee!!! Blogger messed with me one too many times! But apparently the RSS feed on WordPress is even easier to use. What the hell do I know ….

  8. WordPress is really nice once you get the hang of it. it’s something new. As a Blogger user way back when it was crashing constantly, WP is a huge improvement.

  9. Barb_in_GA

    Not to be a stalker or anything, but I’ll follow you wherever you go.

    OK, maybe I am a stalker.

  10. Zombie rotten mcdonald

    Worpress does some intereting things on the iPad though.

  11. dolphin

    I think you’ll like WordPress once you get used to it. It can take weeks for any site o be indexed by search engines, but if it’s bothering you can manually submit to Google and other search engines to speed that up. Your new theme is OnSwipe enabled so it’s pretty sweet for us iPad users!

  12. The search engine is awesome. It appears to be a true spider that looks for words or small groups of words. What a lovely avatar.

  13. Now my avatar s’en fui!