Personal Responsibility, Stacey Campfield Style

State Senator Stacey Campfield, R-Idiocracy, opened his mouth and a whole lot of stupid fell out.

Now he’s blaming the radio interviewer who asked the questions. Typical.

Stupid regularly falls out of Campfield’s mouth, even dangerous stupid, but I’m trying to remember a time when anything so irreponsibly dangerously stupid fell out of his mouth. Telling people that you can’t get HIV/AIDs from hetero sex is just flat-out wrong. It’s irresponsibly wrong. Some kid might hear that and think, “Cool, I can bang all the chicks (or dudes) I want.” No, you can’t. Not if you want to be respoonsible. This is why the Mayor of Los Angeles just this week signed a bill mandating that actors in the porn industry use condoms. All actors. Not just the gay ones.

Campfield is an idiot who never met a piece of hateful legislation he didn’t like. I just don’t know why people keep voting for him. It really doesn’t make me think very highly of the people in his district that they aren’t more engaged than that.

People, your idiot politicians are a reflection on YOU. Think about it.

Campfield has been trying to defend his stupid over at Pith, (check this comment thread), so I’m sure we haven’t heard the last of this.


It gets worse.


Filed under GLBT, Tennessee, TNGOP

13 responses to “Personal Responsibility, Stacey Campfield Style

  1. Honey, do not think for one minute that WE who live in his District have not tried to get rid of ‘Stacey with sexual problems’. In 2010, we Democrats had an excellent candidate, scientist, job creator, family man, community leader and brilliant. Stacey only agreed to ONE debate, and then he acted like the juvenile snickering, arrogant hate-filled little boy he is. We made thousands of calls for our man, Randy Walker, canvassed hundreds of neighborhoods, got promises that “I would never vote for Stacey”, and then we were appalled at the embarrassing result. His stunts in Nashville are not funny. He has insulted women and teen girls, the poor, the unemployed, and of course, gays, especially young gay teens. He is a disgrace. His ‘sexual problems’ are unbelievable. And what makes him worse…that some of his friends in Nashville actually support his lunacy.

  2. “I just don’t know why people keep voting for him.” Ms Wilson has already spoken to this above but there is a dynamic I’ve been considering. We’ve all asked ourselves countless times “WTF” with some of these wackadoodle candidates and try to understand their popularity in some rational way. It seems to me they are just guilty of the most cynical form of exploitation. They know there are angry, resentful, SICK, disenfranchised members of the electorate who will vote for anyone that seems to be giving the status quo the finger and they cater to that demographic. The veracity of their claims about any issue are irrelevant. It’s the venom that counts. It’s about power and control. “That’ll teach the bastids!”

    • Randy, thanks…but there is another side to the shame of Campfield. It is the fact that his campaign got thousands in donations from the GOP machine here so that he would win…and keep any legitimate, worthy Democrat out of his seat. He was a Rep before he was elected Senator this time…and one of his donors…our Governor… who now won’t even comment on the ludicrous clown performance. Money…power…a few right wing religious nuts…yep, that is the whole story

  3. I never, ever vote for him. My father adores Campy and claims that people dislike that Campy’s a Christian.

    • Well Campy’s not a very good Christian. Trying to remember that part of the Bible where Jesus said it was okay to bully people. Nope, it’s not there.

    • Cathy, I don’t want argue with your Dad, but Stacey’s claim of being a “conservative Christian” is disproven by the fact that he proclaims to judge and hate women, teen girls by denying them privacy with medical issues, mandating they are not provided facts about sexuality or access to birth control, and humiliating them by insisting that “all aborted fetuses have birth certificates”. He also hates young teens who even ‘appear to be gay’. If he were a true Christian, he would not judge others, or hurt, insult or publicly humiliate others. I believe the Christ taught us to love our brothers (and sisters) as we love ourselves. Stacey does love himself…a lot, but obviously, not others.

  4. Stacey has some issues, that’s for sure. He’s got some kind of problem with sex, more so than your typical conservative Christian. I’m not going to pathologize his issues, that’s for him and his analyst but there’s the whole 2009 Halloween mask incident, for starters. He gets my vote for Tennessee politician most likely to be caught huffing glue with a rent boy in his secret basement dungeon.

    Sorry, Stacey. But if you’re reading this: GET SOME HELP. Your issues are now threatening thousands of kids in this state.

    • AMEN, and right on, SB. I could not have said it better! Our Randy Walker was too much a gentleman and never brought up all of the warped issues Stacey has promoted in his ‘Legislative career’. Oh, and was also a slumlord here in Knoxville, renting his houses to UT students and then refusing to repair dangerous plumbing and heat situations until they (or their parents) sued him. YES, he does need therapy. This is why Haslam, Ramsey, and none of our Dems in the Legislature want to comment on his ‘issues’.

  5. “Tennessee politician most likely to be caught huffing glue with a rent boy in his secret basement dungeon.”

    Put that up on Intrade SB. I’ll buy a couple shares.

  6. This nut job obviously has quite a few issues – all of them on the sicko side. Don’t forget the mask incident at a UT game and visit his FB page. He has a very long warning to not copy or quote anything. A real servant of the people.

    “Tennessee politician most likely to be caught huffing glue with a rent boy in his secret basement dungeon.” Ditto Randy.

  7. Min

    He’s a disgrace.