>Great Olympic Moments

>I think if Tennessee ever hosted the winter Olympic games they might look something like this:



Filed under Olympic Games

9 responses to “>Great Olympic Moments

  1. >See, British humor-I suggest combining alpine skiing and biathlon, the biathletes can try and take out the skiiers. All of America would watch the Olympics then!Buckeye …

  2. >this is worthy of monty python. i can't stop laughing. thanks, sobe. i needed this.can the biathletes target the ice dancers next? please.baudin

  3. >can the biathletes target the ice dancers next? please.LOL LOL LOLI say the biathletes should target the downhill skiers and let the curlers throw their stones at the ice dancers.

  4. >perfect saturday morning video. only if it were in east tennessee, they wouldn't be usin them fancy rifles, and there'd be dogs. rangy, big-eared dogs.

  5. >i guess i'm a bleeding heart. it's "funny," but only in the context of our current media culture. why is it "funny" that people who are not actually at war or in jeopardy killing each other? is that what we want to see, as "entertainment?" i guess so. all i have to do is turn on the teevee, and i can see strangers who have never met each other killing each other "for fun." ha ha. or something. personally, i try not to watch too much of that. ymmv.

  6. >Well, *I* thought it was funny …

  7. >Sorry SB, I'm with Chicago on this one. Have we become so jaded that an image of one person gunning down other people is funny? Oh, its the context… or hey, its just a joke, get a sense of humor? Sorry but this isn't a case where the folks who don't laugh at the video of a guy shooting other people have to justify themselves but rather the other way around. How — how.can.this.be.funny? How many mass murders have to take place? Do you have to have a relative of yours shot dead before you understand this casual attitude towards the portrayal of mass killing is part of the fuckin' problem? Or maybe its just that this is the last night of sanity here in the United States, the last night of my (probable) lifetime where I can go into a National Park in the United States and not have to worry about some jackass packing a loaded weapon next to me on the trail. I'm so bummed out by this new 'law' permitting testosterone-challenge gun nuts to carry loaded firearms anywhere in National Parks that I'm sick to my stomach. What the hell have we come to in this country? WHAT THE HELL HAVE WE COME TO? FUCK. This is from the podium of…37°52'18s N / 122°16'18s W

  8. >Or maybe its just that this is the last night of sanity here in the United StatesWell FWIW the ad is French, not American. I think it's pretty obvious that it is satire. But, to each his (or her) own.

  9. >I thought it was pretty funny as well. It's a pity we can't do something like that with, say, paintball guns – "Olympic Cross Country Battle Royale".How — how.can.this.be.funny? How many mass murders have to take place? Do you have to have a relative of yours shot dead before you understand this casual attitude towards the portrayal of mass killing is part of the fuckin' problem? Oh, pull that gigantic redwood tree out of your ass. The funniness comes from the absurdity of the whole situation – it's not like people are thinking "Hey, a battle royale among biathlon skiers is funny! That must mean killing people in real life is funny!"It's the old "video games/movies/television/etc are desensitizing people to violence" argument all over again. I'm so bummed out by this new 'law' permitting testosterone-challenge gun nuts to carry loaded firearms anywhere in National Parks that I'm sick to my stomach. What the hell have we come to in this country? WHAT THE HELL HAVE WE COME TO? Oh, please. You think firearms restrictions were less in the past?I think it's pretty obvious that it is satire. But, to each his (or her) own.Some people just have no sense of humor, at all.