They Can Shut Up About Religious Freedom Now

Everything you need to know about the conservative views of religious freedom, summed up in one chiron:




Ummm ….. yeaaaaah. Y’all can just shut up now.


Filed under Christian Right, Christianity, FOX NEWS, Housekeeping, Islamophobia, religion

4 responses to “They Can Shut Up About Religious Freedom Now

  1. They mean you are free to be any variety of Christian. Even Mormon!

  2. Prup (aka Jim Benton)

    Then there is the suggestion by the supposedly ‘sane and caring’ Republican, John Kasich:

    “As part of a broad national security plan to defeat ISIS, Republican Presidential candidate John Kasich proposed creating a new government agency to push Judeo-Christian values around the world,” NBC News reports.

    “The new agency, which he hasn’t yet named, would promote a Jewish- and Christian-based belief system to four regions of the world: China, Iran, Russia and the Middle East.”

  3. satai

    No! They should keep on yammering this nonsense until even their brainless base realizes it’s wrong.