Murica Murica Murica

Do you love Murica? Do you love it as much as right-wing propagandist/author/filmmaker/criminal/adulterer D’Nesh D’Souza does? Probably not! D’Nesh D’Souza has named so many of his little propaganda tomes “America” that he has confused the Great Gazoogle, and now if you are an America-lover like D’Nesh D’Souza and want to see his latest Murica-loving flick, named “America” (of course! Not to be confused with his last flick,
“Obama’s America,” though!), you had better not use the Google and maybe should try Fandango because Google’s algorithms say “that’s too much America, D’Nesh D’Souza!” What do you expect from a person whose first and last names begin with D-apostrophe? Really, people!

D’Souza’s camp is pretty sure this is all one big conspiracy from Liebrul-Obama-lovin’ Hollyweird, though:

“This is merely a reiteration of what we heard nearly a week ago, and yet the problem has persisted and potential moviegoers are still confused,” D’Souza told THR. “The American people need to know if Google is going to be a trustworthy source of news and information that doesn’t tilt in one political direction or another.”

Simultaneously to the Google controversy, Costco has been under fire for issuing an edict that all of its stores stop selling D’Souza’s latest book, America: Imagine a World Without Her, which is the source material for the movie.

Costco reportedly says its decision is based on lackluster sales, not politics, though critics point out that the book is poised to appear July 13 on the New York Times best sellers list. On Tuesday, the book was No. 3 at Costco did not respond to a request for comment.

Poor little D’Nesh! He’s sooooooo oppressssssed, you guys! D’Nesh D’Souza is not having a good year, and it’s all Obama’s fault!


Filed under conservatives, politics and film, pop culture

7 responses to “Murica Murica Murica

  1. Joseph Stans

    He would have a lot easier time if he ws nit a dick andmade any sense at all.

  2. Jim in Memphis

    I just searched for “America movie” on Google and his movie’s IMDb page was the top result. The 2nd link was to an article about his complaining about Google.

  3. cckids

    The Costco/Amazon sales thing shows the effect of the right-wing groups buying these crappy books in bulk. I’m sure Costco tracks their own sales of D’Souza’s book, and I’m sure they’re bad. Really, if it was selling, they’d keep stocking it, that is why they’re in business.

  4. Jim in Memphis

    Well looks like Costco changed their mind and will sell the book again.

  5. Bitter Scribe

    Hasn’t this insufferable douchebag been sentenced yet?

  6. @Bitter Scribe:

    He’ll likely be getting a fine that is about the same size as the advance for his next book, “Amerikan Gestapo!”.

    D’sozzled is a piece of shit.