“Just One Of Those Crazy Accidents”


For at least the third time this month, a young child has shot and killed someone. On Tuesday afternoon, a five-year-old boy fatally shot his two-year-old sister in Cumberland County, Kentucky with .22 rifle the five-year-old was given as a gift.

“It’s a Crickett,” Cumberland County Coroner Gary White told the Lexington Herald-Leader. “It’s a little rifle for a kid.”

The rifle, which was usually stored in one of the home’s corners, was inadvertently left loaded, according to White. The boy’s mother was home at the time of the shooting.

“The little boy’s used to shooting the little gun,” White said, before saying the shooting will be ruled accidental. “Just one of those crazy accidents.”

Give me a fucking break. What the hell is wrong with people? “Inadvertently left loaded!” “Just one of those crazy accidents!” Totally unavoidable! Nope, no negligence here! Move along …

You give a 5-year-old a gun — even a little gun, for a little kid — and you get predictable results. I’d say these parents should be locked up, except some idiot at the NRA decided it was a great idea to manufacture guns for kids because FREEDOM.

Sorry, but right now I can’t find any sympathy for these people.


Filed under gun control

10 responses to ““Just One Of Those Crazy Accidents”

  1. democommie

    “Sorry, but right now I can’t find any sympathy for these people.”

    I won’t be able to, either; not now, not ever. If they have other children, Children’s Services should be looking at the situation.

    • Children’s Services should be looking at the situation.

      In a place where the county coroner refers to this as “just one of those crazy accidents” that ain’t happening, either.

  2. I think they should be arrested and charged with manslaughter. Jail time might be superfluous given that they’ve already suffered more than that, but they’ve got to lose the gun rights. People who prove they’re too irresponsible to own guns should lose the right to do so. It’s simple.

  3. Flying Junior

    When I was four or five years old I had a little air compressor rifle that shot a cork on a string out of the barrel. (Anybody remember those?) Naturally I figured out a way to make it dangerous. I loaded the damn thing with pepper and shot it in my sister’s eyes. This got me in a great deal of trouble. And it also made sis cry.

    Biggest difference? My sister is now fifty-six years old with two beautiful adult children. Anybody who would gift a firearm that shoots bullets to a child of that age…

  4. democommie

    This link:


    is chock full of reports of what the LAGO’s are all about when it comes to being responsible.

      • democommie

        Law Abiding Gun Owner; except when they’re not, which is why I call them OLAGO’s* whenever they start whining about “bad” gunzlawz that they don’t like and won’t obey and cold, dead fingers and ConstituJESUS and shut-UP, that’s why! Unfortunately I run into a lot of OLAGO’s.

        * Othewrwise Law Abiding Gun Owners

  5. I read about that. Shouldn’t that be a reason for CPS to come in? Parents who do that are crazy. It’s unbelievable. These people are the ” base” of the Republican Party. Heaven help us.