Tennessee Gun Report

With all of my internet troubles I got way behind on the Gun Report. Haven’t had time to really catch up but here are a few things I pulled together for you. Two or three accidental shootings in the past couple of weeks, lots and lots of gun cray. Oh, and the gun loons who refer to Moms Demand Action as “anti-gun mommy cultists”? Yeah, no misogyny there. Nope. Can’t even see it.

• July 27, 2014:

Beretta USA is moving from Connecticut, where gun safety laws make them feel “unwelcome,” to Tennessee, where a lawsuit against the gun maker by Memphis-based Elvis Presley Enterprises has not sullied the welcome mat.

[UPDATE]: Ahem:

The firm’s professed reason is laughably hypocritical, because Beretta is based in a country with far stricter gun laws than Maryland or any other U.S. state.

If chief executive Ugo Beretta can’t tolerate what he has described as Maryland’s lack of “respect” and “pattern of harassment” of the company and its customers, then how can he stand to maintain his headquarters in a nation that regulates shotguns for hunting more tightly than America treats assault rifles?

Yet stupid wingnuts eat this ridiculous grandstanding up, like they always do. And they call US sheep?

• July 24, 2014

Local news media are just now confirming that a Rutherford County sheriff’s deputy lost not one but two service weapons, one in 2011 (possibly at a Logan’s restaurant bathroom) and one while on department business in Chicago.

• July 23, 2014:

A Nashville woman slapped then threatened to kill a Kroger employee. Then she went to her car, got her gun (thank you, Tennessee Republicans, for allowing guns in cars! What could possibly go wrong!), and threatened the employee with it.

By the way, the mugshot on this one is classic:


Here’s the thing about guns in cars. Seems like a good idea until someone loses their shit when an argument escalates, and lookie here, someone has a gun handy to cause a lot of damage. And that happens a lot more often than someone needing a gun to stop a carjacking.

• July 22, 2014:

1- TSA employees at the Memphis airport found a loaded gun in a passenger’s carry-on. So responsible, y’all.

2- A Chattanooga man accidentally shot himself.

3- A Chattanooga-area woman was shot with a BB gun at Walmart. It’s looking like an accidental shooting but not confirmed yet.

4- Two Memphis teens were accidentally shot when one found a gun in his home and the two were playing with it.

• July 20, 2014:

Someone broke into a locked Memphis police van and stole all of the weapons. Lovely. Coming to a Chicago neighborhood near you.

• July 17, 2014:

1- A former sheriff’s captain from Grundy Co. was nabbed stealing guns from the evidence room.

2- a 19-year-old shooting victim lied about a robbery attempt. People, this happens ALL the damn time.

3- A Tipton County man has been indicted for second-degree murder in the accidental shooting death of his wife back in January. William Rains says his wife Laura was handing him a pistol when it accidentally fired, shooting her in the head. She later died.

• July 16, 2014:

Germantown police shot and killed a suicidal man. Government-assisted suicide is a thing now?

• July 15, 2014:

Standing his ground? A Hawkins County man shot at his neighbors’ feet twice during an argument over an injured animal. Yes, a trailer park is mentioned.

• July 10, 2014:

A 15-year-old boy is charged with fatally shooting and killing Sgt. 1st Class Michael W. Braden at the National Guard Armory in Lobelville and no one knows why. However, the teen was staying at his aunt’s house for the summer, where TBI found numerous guns at the home.


Filed under gun control, Tennessee

15 responses to “Tennessee Gun Report

  1. Jim in Memphis

    Beretta moving to TN needs to be a Good News Friday article – more jobs for TN.

  2. CB

    “Germantown police shot and killed a suicidal man. Government-assisted suicide is a thing now?”

    Suicide by cop. But, you knew that already.

  3. Beretta, it’s about FREEDUMB and, um, WELFARE:


    Jimbo you should be fuckin’ steamed about them gettin’ allathat sweet, sweet gummint money–oh, wait; that’s only a problem if the recipient is NOT a for-profit corporation. My bad.

    • Jim in Memphis

      DC – I do agree in general that government should not be picking winners and losers by offering these benefits to corporations. However, it is what it is and until all states agree to stop giving out incentives then that is what it is going to take to lure a business to your location. Personally I think the government would be better off eliminating taxes for business in general. The taxes paid by a business really comes from the general public (well at least the specific customers of a business) anyway since it is figured into their cost of goods sold. I bet TN could attract a lot of business with the promise of no corporate taxes.

    • “It is what it is” don’tcha know. Last refuge of a scoundrel. The very LAST companies which need assistance are always the FIRST ones to suck off the gummint teet, and there’s just not a thing we can do about. “Picking winners and losers,” don’tcha know. Why the hell SHOULDN’T the government pick winners and losers? I mean Christ, I could have a winning business selling crack out of my kitchen, but dagnabbit that evul gummint won’t let me. They picked a winner and it wasn’t crack. My loss.

      Stupid conservatives. All they know is bumper stickers.

      • Jim in Memphis

        “I mean Christ, I could have a winning business selling crack out of my kitchen, but dagnabbit that evul gummint won’t let me.” Not true. There are several people making lots of money off producing and/or selling crack. The government threatens you with jail if they catch you doing it, but you are still free to chose to do it if you want. But your example is not applicable to this situation anyway. The correct example would be to say that the government was allowing some companies to sell crack while making it illegal for others to do so. Again, in general I am against the government giving tax incentives to some companies and not others. Set the tax policies that all companies have to follow and treat them all the same. You know – equal protection under the law.

        Randy – I understand that companies benefit from government spending. I just acknowledge that companies also provide jobs and sell products to the public (again these are the people that are really paying these taxes). So anything that keeps the companies expenses down will lead to better growth for the company, lower costs for consumers, better pay for employees, higher dividends for investors, etc. You may disagree with how a company chooses to distribute their profits, but all of the distributions would be taxed to whoever receives them as either income tax or capital gains tax.

      • That’s the most retarded, ignorant response to anything you’ve ever posted here, Jim. You’re implying the government is allowing some people to sell crack but not others. That is wrong. It is illegal to sell crack. Period. If you are caught you don’t just go to jail. You can have your possessions impounded, your savings taken. There are a whole myriad of legal consequences. You lose your civil rights (you can’t vote, you can’t own guns). There is no “some people are allowed to do it, others are not.” No one is allowed to do it. NO ONE. Some people are not caught. That is a huge difference.

        “So anything that keeps the companies expenses down will lead to better growth for the company, lower costs for consumers, better pay for employees, higher dividends for investors, etc”

        Funny how there is exactly zero evidence that this is how things work. In fact, evidence is that it’s the exact opposite. The issue is DEMAND not costs you big dumb moron.

        Go back to your dog-eared copy of Atlas Shrugged and fantasize how everything would work in the perfect fictionalized world Ayn Rand dreamed up.

      • Jim in Memphis

        SB – I did not say that the government is in fact allowing people to sell crack legally. I was using that as an example of a way the government could be picking winners and losers – which I feel they should not do. You gave the example that because the government does not allow you to sell crack it has picked a winner and loser which it has not in that situation. The laws are the same for everyone on the issue of selling crack so the government is not giving preferential treatment.

        I am sure that all of the companies that have located production facilities overseas did so to increase the demand of their product and did not consider the costs of manufacturing when they made that decision. I am sure that Boeing decided to locate their new production facility completely across the country from their current operations to increase demand for their planes and did not consider their costs of production. I imagine you view a company that loses $1 for every product they sell to be a huge success if they manage to sell 1,000,000 more items at that same $1 loss. They increased demand for their product so they must be huge winners right?

      • “I am sure that all of the companies that have located production facilities overseas did so to increase the demand of their product.”

        Huh? Don’t be ridiculous. They did it for the cheap labor. They did it to cut costs. And those costs are not passed on to us consumers. Those costs are passed on to the CEOs whose salaries have ballooned to ridiculous proportions while we peons haven’t had an effective raise in 30 years. We can’t even afford their products anymore.

    • Seeker

      @demo; yes, Maryland is also losing the Beretta plant and the company is all full of blame for Maryland, too.

      • Seeker:

        And as the article points out, there’s a lot more to the story, namely a large pile of Benjamins for Beretta that are being offered by a state which is not able to take care of the people who ALREADY live there. I sorta doubt that Beretta is going to be coming down from Maryland with NO current employees. Learning to operate, never mind program, maintain and repair precision machining equipment is NOT unskilled labor and it’s not like guys who already know how to operate ,machine tools can just step right in to a totally different manufacturing process and pick up where the former TL&BWWF* left off. It’s not like switching from a Ford to a Chevy–it’s like switching from a moldboard plow pulled by a mule to jetpackdischarrow.
        * Takerz, Loaferz & Bumz Who Wuz Fired.

  4. Given that Corporations never use state services like roads or sewers or police or anything I think Jims on to something. I’m guessing if rattlesnakes were made in factories he’d induce them to come to Memphis.

  5. Pingback: “An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” | From Pine View Farm

  6. Well, duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Beretta is offering a product, handcannonz, which are in critically short supply in most of the U.S. particularly in the former member states of the TSM*. Cuz nothin’ sez jobs and family values like openin’ a gunz factory–expeshly when they prolly don’t got no unions and won’t be agimitatin’ for one.

    * Traitor States of MurKKKa, known by those benighted fucktards as he CSA.

  7. “You gave the example that because the government does not allow you to sell crack it has picked a winner and loser which it has not in that situation.”

    And both the poor and the rich are prohibited from begging and sleeping under bridges.

    It’s always a toss-up with Jimbo; is he that heartless, or just a fucking moron? I’m going with heartless AND a moron.