Tennessee Gun Report

Once again it’s been a busy week and I haven’t had time to compile any gun news. The biggest news, of course, comes from Colorado, where two Democratic Senators who supported expanded background checks got recalled yesterday. So I am putting Colorado on notice: the next time you have a Columbine or Aurora-type shooting, I’m not going to be nice about it. I’m not going to cry or pray for the victims or offer condolences.

I’m going to say, stupid motherfuckers, what the hell did you think would happen?

Just a heads’ up, y’all. Ditto Iowa, which just allowed open-carry by the blind. Y’all are fucking nuts and you deserve every accidental shooting and maiming you get.

Here’s a handful of items I gleaned from the headlines.

Sept. 10, 2013:

In Knoxville,

Police arrested a 17-year-old boy with a semi-automatic pistol with an extended magazine to hold more bullets at the conclusion of last week’s football game at Austin-East Magnet High School.

Sept. 6, 2013:

• Another loaded gun found at a Memphis school. This time a high school.

• Nashville’s airport was well-represented in the TSA blog listing of confiscated weapons: a stun gun, a loaded 9mm pistol (no round chambered), and a loaded 40-caliber pistol (round chambered) were all found in peoples’ carry-on bags by TSA agents at the Nashville airport.


Filed under gun control, gun violence, Tennessee

8 responses to “Tennessee Gun Report

  1. I’m afraid to do any background reading on the ‘rationale’ behind this latest wacko move by Colorado. Right to bear arms…blah, blah, blah…so comforting to know that Sudafed is better regulated than AR-15 rifles.

    • I’m not surprised by the one recall – it was Colorado Springs, where the White are Right as the day is long; Pueblo was a tossup, but when money hits like a friggin’ tidal wave, it’s hard to shout it down.
      I was honestly surprised to see that CSprings had a Democratic rep in the first place…

  2. democommie

    There’s a word for Coloradans who voted to recall those two pols; the word is “fucking idiot”. Okay, that’s two words, but I think you get my drift.

  3. Mary Wilson

    Amen to all, and SB, a sad but totally related story in today’s Knoxville News Sentinel: 9/11/13, “Pair Sentenced in Accidental Death of their Baby”. One detail, so shameful but so pertinent: Both parents were convicted felons and should never been in possession of a firearm. They were fighting over the gun, it went off and killed their 6-month old daughter who was sitting at the feet of the mother in a ‘bouncy seat’. So they should not have even been encouraged to procreate either! And the mother was on probation for trying to kill her 3 other children in 2010.

    • democommie

      As Southern Beale has said in the past, Mary Wilson, there are accidental shootings and then there are blackcidental shootings (my term not hers). If those two were black I’m guessing that they’d be going down for more than they did.

  4. democommie


    Stolen intellectual property always tastes the sweetest! {;>)

  5. democommie

    I just realized that I may have to change my blog’s motto to:

    “Revenge is a dish best served cold, with a big ol’ cup of STFU!”