Tin-Foil Hate In Ur Congress, Making Ur Laws

Hey everyone, gun control ain’t dead! There’s actually a bill in Congress that would ban ammunition purchases for six months! And, unbelievably, this bill has the support of far-right GOPers like Sen. Jim Inhofe Of Oklahoma.

What’s that, you say?

Yep, meet the AMMO Act (“Ammunition Management for More Obtainability,” cute, huh? Republicans love those clever acronyms). Will it stop suspected terrorists from buying ammunition? Crazy people? Convicted felons, domestic abusers, etc.? Nope. It’s directed at federal agencies:

The legislation would require the Government Accountability Office to conduct a report on the purchasing of ammunition by federal agencies, except the Department of Defense, and its effect on the supply of ammunition available to the public. The AMMO Act would restrict agencies from obtaining additional ammunition for a six-month period if current agency stockpiles are higher than its monthly averages prior to the Obama Administration.

This bill stems from some long-debunked conspiracy theories circulating around the internet about the Obama Administration stockpiling ammo to disarm the American populace and prepare for civil unrest (oddly, the bill exempts the Defense Department; seems some folks don’t really understand the meaning of the term “martial law”).

Anti-government “tin-foil haters” like Alex Jones and Pat Dollard are cheering the bill. Of course they are, they’re the very folks who have been flogging this nonsense in the first place. The fact that there is actual legislation in the U.S. House and Senate addressing one of their crackpot conspiracy theories is a huge win for them. It shows how far their influence has reached inside the Republican Party.

And make no mistake, this is unique to the Republican Party. Yes, during the Bush years some lefties pondered the government’s role in 9/11; some folks believed a false national security event would occur so the Bush Administration could declare martial law and cancel the 2004 elections. But these were commenters on blogs, maybe a far-left radio host or two. Not people actually elected to the United States Senate or a state legislature. Not people holding office and in a position to influence public policy.

Not people like Tennessee Republican Rick Womick, or the crazy lady in New Hampshire’s state house who bought Alex Jones’ “false flag” nonsense about the Boston bombings. The fact that the Republican Party is increasingly associated with these fringe conspiracy nutters shows just how far off the rails America’s conservative political party has gone. Wake up, folks. Michele Bachmann has plenty of company in that crazy train.

I call them “tin-foil haters” because hate is exactly what these people are selling. It’s distrust of the government with a heaping pile of amygdala-tweaking fear thrown in, topped with a shining hero archetype. It’s the idea that only you, young Wolverine, have the exclusive truth and can save the world — or at least your corner of it. Only you can be the hero of this movie. And yes, I do blame Hollywood for a lot of this stuff. I can’t tell you how tired I am of seeing the White House or a national landmark blown up on the big screen (and hunky Channing Tatum alone can save us!). Hollywood, get a new storyline. This one’s played out.

By the way: if you think our government is too incompetent to regulate healthcare but is clever enough to pull off any of the convoluted conspiracy theories you’ve dreamed up, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.


Filed under conspiracies, gun control, hoaxes, Republican Party

10 responses to “Tin-Foil Hate In Ur Congress, Making Ur Laws

  1. I needed this to start my day. lmao. The AMMO Act! (Middle aged man continues to laugh hysterically, then realizes just how pathetic it really is.) Oh well…Onward through the fog.

  2. The 2012 election was a repudiation of the Republican agenda – some Repubs got the message (Rubio?) while others think the party wasn’t hard-line enough (TN Repubs?). Hopefully 2014 and 2016 will continue this trend and put more of the whack jobs out to pasture. Of course with gerrymandering some of these folks are dug in. What is it like in Minnesota’s 6th Congressional district? Do people walk around with that crazy Bachmann stare?

    • What is it like in Minnesota’s 6th Congressional district? Do people walk around with that crazy Bachmann stare?

      Actually, Bachmann barely held on to her seat, beating Democrat Jim Graves by 1.18 percentage points despite outspending him by a 12-to-1 margin.

      It’s too bad we couldn’t have unseated her. That would have been quite a repudiation of the cray-cray. I don’t know anything about Graves or that district.

  3. democommie

    This lady knows a lot about the district:


  4. Warren Terra

    “tin-foil haters” s/b “tin-foil hatters”; the typo more or less reverses your intended meaning.

  5. Mary Wilson

    OMG….SB, I re-read this pile of doo and then looked at again. And with a few name changes, with the fanatics being right wing home grown nuts instead of ‘al quaeda’ terrorists, these fools could have ratcheted up the BOSTON bombings, or partnered with Ted Nugent, or Glen Beck to give the REAL insane gun nuts the opportunity to buy enough fire power to ‘take down’ one of our military bases…just to prove they could do it. Or partner with other plotters who want to destroy SOMETHING, anything, to get that hate, vitrol, vicious self-taught myths and lies out of their corrupted selves. I don’t know about y’all, but I do not want these stupid seat fillers replacing our “well armed militia”, our military, with these rag-tag cowards and traitors.

  6. democommie

    ““tin-foil haters” s/b “tin-foil hatters”; the typo more or less reverses your intended meaning.”

    Really? I think you need to demonstrate your superior logic; otherwise folks’ll think you’re just a concern troll*.

  7. democommie


    I see that MurKKKa’s gift to red-headed step children, Stacy Crapfield is in the news again. This time it’s the mandatory drug testing of welfare recipients bill that he’s sponsoring.:


    What an asshole, I feel sorry for you that he moved down there from Binghamton, NY. Do his constituents know that he’s a carpetbaggin’ astroturd?

    • Yeah, that’s old. He’s been pushing that for a while. Not sure why it’s in the news again as the legislature has adjourned for the session so nothing can be done. But the idea was a loser in Florida, where they only caught one person in three years and actually cost the state money, though I’m sure Rick Scott isn’t losing any sleep since he owns the chain of drug testing clinics where most of these tests are done. And that will be the same here in Tennessee, where prominent Tennessee Republican Diane Black (now in the U.S. Congress) is connected to Aegis Sciences Corporation, a company which does drug testing. It’s owned by her husband and features a lot of prominent Republicans on the board — I believe Bill Frist is one.

      So you know, it’s all part of the big Republican Grift Machine. Whenever a Republican promotes something that doesn’t make a lick of sense and has been a proven failure elsewhere, the rule of thumb is: look to see who will be making money off of it.